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Power and Energy Efficiency: Key Features of Bitfury Clarke Bitcoin Mining Chip

The Bitcoin mining chips of the future will be characterized by advanced mining power and energy efficiency. These are the key features promoted by Bitfury Group in the presentation of their latest product: Bitcoin Clarke ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) Bitcoin mining chip.

Superior Bitcoin Mining Power

According to the specifications data sheet, Bitfury Clarke ASIC consists of 8,154 rolled hashing cores and a simple two wire synchronous serial control interface capable of up to 8 Mbit/s speed. This architecture allows the chip to perform at a hashrate of up to 120 GH/s.

All the components are packed in a 14 nm chip, which is completely customized for SHA256 Bitcoin mining. According to the product description, Bitfury Clarke can be optimized for hashrate or power efficiency, according to each user’s particular applications and use case.

To achieve this type of performance, according to Valery Vavilov, the CEO of Bitfury Group, the company “is looking at all factors, including silicon packaging, chip efficiency, optimal power distribution, cooling designs and speed of development when designing our mining hardware. We think that this will lead to solutions that deliver the best ROI to our customers — regardless of ASIC size.”

Bitfury Clarke Bitcoin Mining

Bitfury Clarke: Energy Efficiency for Environmentally Responsible Bitcoin Mining

Power is what Bitfury Group boasts in its new Bitcoin mining chip, but not at the expense of energy efficiency. Bitfury Clarke operates with as low as 55 milijoules per gigahash energy consumption and the minimum operational voltage required is 0.3 V.

Thus, Bitfury Clarke promises to deliver not only superior mining power, but also lower operational costs. At the same time, it aims at making Bitcoin mining an environmentally friendly activity.

Speed Is Critical in Bitcoin Mining

The architecture of Bitcoin Clarke ASIC is designed for power, energy efficiency, but also speed. To achieve this last demand, the chip is provided with two task buffers. Thus, according to the data sheet, the chip uses one task buffer for SHA256 calculations, while the second one can be filled by “task write” command. As soon as current calculation task is finished the chip selects next task buffer and starts new calculation cycle.

A Chip for All Use Cases

Bitfury Company is already looking for ways to integrate Bitfury Clarke ASIC into its Bitcoin mining software suites and solutions. In this respect, the company offers enterprise-grade customer support and design services either for helping clients start mining with Bitfury Clarke or for building customized mining solutions using the chip in specific configurations.