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Educational Institutions Offer Opportunities to Learn About Blockchain Technology & Crypto

Blockchain technology, the basis of all cryptocurrency transactions, has already shown huge potential. This technology allows for secure and private transactions as well as storage and transmission of information. However, the technology is also somewhat difficult to understand. So, it has created questions for experts in technology as well as other fields like law. As a result, a growing number of universities have started to offer blockchain classes and seminars.

Applied Blockchain at MIT

Virtually every profession is being impacted by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and blockchain, Bhaskar Pant, Executive Director of Professional Education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said in a recent statement. These new learning options are designed to address the critical skills and specialized knowledge necessary to succeed in a 21st century technology workforce.

The university, one of the most prestigious in the world, has responded to this need with an intensive five-day course. The course, titled “Applied Blockchain” helps professionals in fields like technology, finance, and law, to prepare for a world steeped in blockchain technology, and is currently open for registration. The class usually takes place on MIT’s main campus in Cambridge Massachusetts, though groups taking the class can have Cambridge come to them by signing out a special form.

The university also offers a more comprehensive online course. That course, titled “Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application” focuses on understanding current blockchain applications. It also teaches students how to create new blockchain solutions.

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Law at UNH

The University of New Hampshire has also been increasing opportunities for students to learn about blockchain technology. Last year, the university announced a new certification in blockchain, cryptocurrency, and law.

The landscape related to blockchain and cryptocurrency is dynamic and complex and spans sectors including government, payment systems, intellectual property, regulation, and civil and criminal liability, blockchain expert Samson Williams said in a University’s post last year. Our goal with collaboration of UNH Law and Axes and Eggs is to give participants access to the highest level of expertise and the skills to navigate the ever changing environment.

Courses that are, in addition to a number of related electives, included in the certificate are:

  • Blockchain and the Law
  • Blockchain, Data Security, and Privacy
  • Cryptoeconomics and Blockchain Governance
  • Tokenomics and Crypto Regulations
  • Intellectual property and Blockchain

Other Options from Other Institutions

UNH and MIT are not the only major universities to offer classes on blockchain technology. Stanford University, Cornell University, and the University of Pennsylvania all offer classes on cryptocurrencies.

However, that’s not to say that the US is the only place to go for an education on blockchain and cryptocurrency. Other great institutions offering classes include for example The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia. The University of Oxford and The University of Cumbria, both in the UK, also offer courses.

MLG Blockchain is also worth mentioning, though it’s a consulting and development firm, not a university. However, it also offers a certification in blockchain – both in the forms of a bootcamp taking place in Canada, as well as online course.

Blockchain and the opportunities that the technology presents is becoming increasingly common in our lives. Universities have only recently begun to create courses surrounding these technologies for coders and for other professions. Those certainly won’t be the last.