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Australian Travel Company Invites Steve Wozniak to Enjoy Crypto Holiday

Steve Wozniak is generally seen as a visionary, the pioneer of personal computers. Naturally, his appetite for new technologies and new possibilities has remained unchanged. So, it’s no surprise that Steve is a crypto and blockchain supporter.

Stephen Wozniak performs at business conference
Stephen Wozniak performs at a business conference

Steve recently spoke at the Crypto Invest Summit in Los Angeles, where he, as reported, stated:

My goal is to travel to another part of the world,[…] and just take Bitcoin only.

His wish can come true if he takes up on an offer recently made by an Australian crypto travel company. TravelbyBit is located in Brisbane and aims to encourage travellers to explore the world paying with cryptocurrencies.

Hi Woz, we heard you’d like to travel to another part of the world with #Bitcoin, the company wrote on its Twitter account. Come to 1770 – Australia’s first crypto holiday town! They also invited him to book his flights with TravelbyBit.

Enabling Merchants to Accept Cryptocurrency

TravelbyBit specialises in helping companies accept payments in cryptocurrencies. The company secured $100,000 in funding from the Queensland government. They used those funds to roll out cryptocurrency point-of-sale systems to various businesses.

The CEO of TravelbyBit, Caleb Yeoh, explained his company’s initiative to ABC Australia:

If you travel around the world you have to deal with multiple currencies, the exchange rate can be confusing, sometimes you struggle to find ATMs, and sometimes you get swindled by money changers. Travelling with one global currency like Bitcoin … makes sense.

A Holiday Resort for the Crypto Community

The efforts of TravelbyBit are already visible in Agnes Water and the Town of 1770 in central Queensland. In particular, the beach resort already has over 30 businesses that accept payment by cryptocurrency using POS systems provided by the travel company.

My goal is to travel to another part of the world,[…] and just take Bitcoin only.

– Steve Wozniak

A local real estate agent, Gordon Christian, explained how this became possible: We started from the ground up, shared it with a couple of businesses and they were straight on board … I guess they were international travellers themselves and had heard of these types of payments.

In addition, TravelbyBit’s Yeoh pointed out a key benefit for Agnes Water and the Town of 1770: The town has made a very strategic move in trying to appeal to a niche market to take perhaps some of those tourists … to come out to their little part of the woods.

This is the holiday crypto town where Steve Wozniak is invited to spend a holiday. We are yet to see whether he will do so, because as of press time he has not replied to TravelbyBit’s tweet.

If you are as adventurous as Woz, then all you need is to buy some Bitcoin and book your holiday! To keep up with the latest crypto and blockchain news and updates, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.